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Forgewell Solutions News for patients and therapists. Karen Peabody shares information about groups and events in our office. She also offers inspiration and motivation for therapists interested in starting their own private practice.

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Mar 28, 2020
Tools for Wellness: Reducing Stress & Anxiety Video with Karen
During these challenging times, we will be posting short videos and tips for our patients. It is important that we all continue to...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Mar 24, 2020
Tools for Wellness: Practicing Resourcing & Tracking to Feel Grounded Video with Karen
During these challenging times, we will be posting short videos and tips for our patients. It is important that we all continue to...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Mar 16, 2020
Change your story: Getting through difficult times.
Life has been turned upside down. Now, what do you do? Embrace the changes with acceptance. Try setting the intention for the day, "I...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Mar 12, 2020
A message to our clients about COVID-19
At Forgewell Solutions our clients' emotional and physical health is always at the forefront of our actions. We know there is growing...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Feb 27, 2020
Checking in: Gaining Clarity through Self Awareness
We all have seen the AA bumper stickers and heard the tag lines, "One Day at a Time", "Progress not Perfection", and my favorite "Nothing...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Jan 13, 2020
5 Steps to Change Your Emotions
Understand how powerful your brain and your body are. We are the most magnificent computer ever built. You have the answers to heal...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Jan 2, 2020
Understanding Trauma
Not all trauma is the same and most people will never escape the result of something bad happening to them. This is a part of life. There...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Dec 23, 2019
The Merriest Time of the Year...
Everyone is getting ready for the holidays... (the presents, the family, the food) but for some, this can be a very difficult time. Many...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Dec 6, 2019
News: Our Growing Practice
Hello, Wonderful People! You may have noticed some changes to our office. Thank you for your patience during remodeling. As we were...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Nov 8, 2019
Thinking of seeing a therapist? Start here.
So you are thinking about seeing a therapist. Honor this feeling. I'm not coming from a bias perspective because I think therapists are...

Karen Peabody, LICSW
Oct 18, 2019
Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Group for Women
Learn mindful skills to address unhealthy thoughts & habits and to increase emotional & social wellbeing. 8 Week Group begins December 6th.
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