Traumatic situations develop from many challenges beyond our control.
Here are some suggestions to help you manage stress and trauma during
the Covid-19 Pandemic and its effects:
Challenge: Unpredictable events
What to do: Make a scheduled day with start and end of the day
Challenge: Loss of control
What to do: Make a plan of what you want to do (i.e. exercise, clean,
write, connect with friends)
Challenge: Social isolation
What to do: Connect with friends, virtual meetings, social distancing
Challenge: Inability to care for self
What to do: Make sure you eat food from the earth and move your body
Challenge: Desire to dumb feelings
What to do: Do not use drugs, alcohol or food to disconnect with feelings
Challenge: Unknown ending time
What to do: Remember all bad times end, the world will return to a
sense of safety and normalcy
SOME THINGS TO DO to feel better:
Enjoy a walk in nature
Listen to music
Call friends and make plans for future calls
Do something you are proud of
Help someone
Cook meals

Karen Peabody, LICSW is a therapist and business consultant for social workers and therapists interested in starting their private practice. She founded Forgewell Solutions in East Bridgewater, MA. Her office is a great place to start a private practice. Visit her FOR THERAPISTS page to learn more.