A lot of people have been asking me what they can do to become or remain healthy while we are still in a state of social distancing. This has been hard with all we are missing...no restaurants, no gyms, no sports, no theaters, no parties, no school. The list is endless.
I think most of us can relate to experiencing a sense of restlessness during this time. But we still have power over a few things.
We have power over how we take care of ourselves.
The wellness tip that tops my list is SLEEP. I once heard Jennifer Lopez say that she requires 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night, without exceptions (JLo and I truly are soul sisters). Think about it. With the money and resources available to her, she's come to the basic conclusion that she needs to sleep almost ⅓ of her day. Not any fancy vacation or luxury item. She needs sleep to feel well.
There is some good data out there to support why sleep is so important. A regular sleep schedule ranging from 8 to 10 hours a night can fight off Type II Diabetes, Heart Disease, Obesity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Stroke, Depression, Mania, and Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Also, 8 to 10 hours of sleep will improve your memory, improve athletic performance, improve your chances of weight loss by 89%, and help you live longer. So there it is! Prioritize your sleep schedule and stay well!

Karen Peabody, LICSW is a therapist and business consultant for social workers and therapists interested in starting their private practice. She founded Forgewell Solutions in 2013 in East Bridgewater, MA and created Supervision Circles in 2020. Her office is a great place to start a private practice. Visit her FOR THERAPISTS page to learn more.