Everyone is getting ready for the holidays... (the presents, the family, the food) but for some, this can be a very difficult time. Many people are doing their best to put on a happy face while feeling sadness in their hearts. Maybe it is the first Christmas without a loved one or the first holiday sober. Possibly money is tight and you are hoping everyone will be happy with the gifts you were able to afford. Whatever your worry is, it is okay. As wonderful as the holidays can be, it is normal to feel conflicted during this time of year.
Allow yourself to feel whatever is happening for you. Give yourself time to experience your feelings. Find the people in your life that will honor and respect your situation. You might need a quick phone call with an empathetic ear or a good cry in the shower. Whatever you need, give yourself space to take care of you. If you allow yourself to experience your feelings you may have the ability to move through the emotions faster. And remember, it is one day, 24 hours and then it is over.
We are all doing the best that we can, with the resources we have. Some holidays are better than others. Whatever your situation is, have hope the future holidays will be better and do not judge yourself for your feelings. Always remember, you are loved.

Karen Peabody, LICSW is a therapist and business consultant for social workers and therapists interested in starting their private practice. She founded Forgewell Solutions in East Bridgewater, MA. Her office is a great place to start a private practice. Visit her FOR THERAPISTS page to learn more.
Read about Karen in SCORE SE Massachusetts Success Stories.